Thursday, 23 February 2012

Poopy Politicians

Basically, as much as I don't want to be part of this debate... and my views won't even be counted anyway... I want to get this out and put my views down.

I wish that we could live in a country that had a good leader. Like The Project were saying this evening, Australia has one of the biggest economies in this world, yet we are now having one of the biggest (and stupidest) arguments in the world.

I think that we would have a much better chance of having a good country if we had a system like in America where the leader of the country had nothing to do with legislation that is passed in parliament, or may be in a separate party to the one that has majority in the lower house.

My view? I like Kevin Rudd better than Julia Gillard. And I like Malcom Turnbull better than Tony Abbott. The problem is that Malcom Turnbull is not the opposition leader anymore, Tony Abbott is. And with all the drama in the Labor party at the moment, I doubt that they would win the next election, leaving Tony Abbott as the leader of the country in which I live. And I don't want that to happen. The only think that is certain, is that if Kevin Rudd wins Monday's ballot, (as much as the Australia public would love that) the Labor Party might not, and the Independents might not, leaving another hung parliament and therefore, the only solution would be for parliament to be dissolved and a general election to be called.

In other news, my last post was my 50th! I didn't even realise that!

Until Next Time, Adios Amigos!

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