Thursday, 8 March 2012


So, I have now officially made a week writing for this blog every day... And I'm already running out of ideas.

So yesterday I had my first shift for my work. I think I got the hang of things quite quickly, but just remembering what to do with the discounts and vouchers is annoying. Also, the till doesn't always open, but I have found out a secret way to make it open for me. Today I mainly did the serving, which was good, but got really boring at times, mainly because everyone comes in massive dribs and drabs.

At the moment, I'm sitting here, watching My Kitchen Rules and the cricket finals simultaneously whilst my sister is over at the other computer, crying her eyes out. We had this discussion at dinner, where she told us of this guys called Kony in Uganda doing something or other to kids, and he's been on the run for 10 years or something.I haven't been home all day, so I haven't had the chance to even look at the news. Anyway, I got home just as The Project were doing their news wrap up, and there was nothing. In the mX newspaper I got on the tram, there was nothing. You'd think that something this big, would be everywhere, but it wasn't. I had to Google something very specific to get to the article. And now, she's crying. Boo hoo.


Until Next Time, Adios Amigos!

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