So, let’s get down to reviewing. Sorry, it’s been a bit of break since the airing of the episode and my actual reviewing. I deemed school more important to a blog, so I watched, but did not write. But now, exams are over, so I can blog as much as I like J
So, Let’s Kill Hitler. I think it was a pretty good episode; my favourite bit was, of course, the scene where Mels brings Rory and Amy together. I’m a sucker for Rory-cuteness. Rory was adorable and the sassy Mels was a really good character. The revelation of her being River was clever too, and I particularly loved the line where Mels/River tells Rory, “Oh shut up dad, I’m concentrating on a dress size!”
Rory was absolutely amazing in this episode! He was really manly, and yet so vulnerable at the same time. For example, when he punches Hitler then grabs his gun but doesn’t really know what to do. Also, when he is told to put Hitler in the cupboard, Arthur Darvill displays comedy gold.
However, as good as the reveal was about River, I didn’t feel like it was very important. Maybe I’m just not used to Alex Kingston’s River Song trying to kill the Doctor. It just didn’t seem right to me, all the Judas tree poison lipstick, the jumping out the window, the killing soldiers with regeneration energy flying from her hair, or the giving up of her regenerations. The revelation seemed to just be pushover so that Alex Kinston could have the line “I’m going to wear lots of jodhpurs!” Also, because we have now seen how Alex Kingston’s River was created, does this no longer mean that we will see the Doctor’s and River’s timelines going backwards and forwards simultaneously, but will jump around?
Hmmm... Cleavage much? |
Another thing that annoys me is the image choice for previous companions. They were promo pictures. Couldn’t they have gotten something more natural? Like them smiling around the console or something. I didn’t like it. I also think they should have made Amelia more of a hologram for that scene. Just my thoughts.
Also, did the Doctor start World War Two? Maybe? He says to Hitler, “The British are coming.” With the intent to scare him, so perhaps the Doctor was the cause for it. I wouldn’t be surprised. And didn’t anybody else think that the guard looked remarkably like Captain Jack? And one of the people at the restaurant look like Sohpie Owens?
Favourite Quotes:
“Hello! Sorry, Doctor not following this. Doctor very lost. You never said I was hot!?” – The Doctor
“Why don’t I know you? I danced with everyone at the wedding. The women were brilliant. The men were a bit shy” – The Doctor
“I’d love to, you know. He’s my favourite guy. You know, he’s gay.” / “I’m not gay.” / “Yes you are.” – Amy/Rory
“You will feel a tingling sensation then death. Remain calm while you death is implemented.” – Antibodies
“Where are we?” / “A room.” / “What room?” / “I don’t know what room! I haven’t memorised every room in the universe, I’ve yet to have a day off.” – Amy/The Doctor/Rory
“Shut up Hitler!” / “Rory, take Hitler and put him in that cupboard over there. Now, do it.” / “Right, putting Hitler in the cupboard. Cupboard, Hitler. Hitler, cupboard. Hitler...” / “But I am the Fuehrer!” / “Right, in you go!” / “Who are you?” – Rory/The Doctor/Hitler
“Does anybody else find this day just a bit difficult? I’m getting this sort of banging in my head.” / “Yeah I think that’s Hitler in the cupboard.” – Rory/Amy
“Poisoned me. I’m fine. Well, no, I’m dying. But I’ve got a plan.” / “What plan?” / “Mmm, not dying, see, fine.” – The Doctor/Amy
“Extractor fans on! Oh that works!” – The Doctor
“Can you ride a motorbike?” / “I expect so. It’s that sort of day.” – Amy/Rory
“Regeneration disabled. You will be dead in 32 minutes.” / “Unless I’m cured, yeah?” / “There is no cure. You will be dead in 32 minutes.” / “Why do you keep saying that?” / “Because you will be dead in 32 minutes.” / “You see, there you go again. Basically skipping 31 whole minutes when I’m absolutely fine. Scottish, that’s all I’m saying.” / “You will be fine for 31 minutes. You will be dead in 32 minutes.” / ... / “You will no die now. You will die in 32 minutes.” – Amelia interface/The Doctor
“Ladies and gentlemen. I don’t have a thing to wear. Take off your clothes.” – River Song
“Okay. I’m trapped inside a giant replica robot of my wife. I’m really trying not to see this as a metaphor.” – Rory
“How can we be in here. How do we fit?” / “Miniaturisation ray.” / “How would you know that?” / “Well, there was a ray, and we were miniaturised.” – Amy/Rory
“You should never waste time when you haven’t any. Time is not the boss of you. Rule 408.” – The Doctor
“Are you serious?” / “Never knowingly. Never knowingly be serious, rule 27. You really should write these down.” – River/The Doctor
“Never run when you’re scared. Rule seven.” – The Doctor
“Rule one. The Doctor lies.” – The Doctor
“She did kill me. Then she used her remaining lives to bring me back. As first dates go, I’d say that was mixed signals.” – The Doctor
Until Next Time, Adios Amigos!
P.S. I'm thinking of making a list of the Doctor's rules. What do you think. Leave a comment below.
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