Friday, 6 May 2011

Geronimo! A Review of Doctor Who S06E02 Day of the Moon

Well, it’s been a week since Doctor Who – The Impossible Astronaut aired in Australia and I have now managed to see Day of the Moon. It has come around once again for me to review the episode, but seeing as I’m not very good at review, I think it’s more like speculation...

Anyway, I’d first like to say what a brilliant episode it is. Steven Moffat has been brought down in several reviews in relation to the episode, but I think it’s just brilliant. As I’m terrible at reviews, I might just list the things I did like, things I didn’t like,  things I found suspicious and the things I think will be seen in future episodes. And I’m lazy to write a review anyway.

·         Seeing the Silence uncurl when River is on the rooftop. It really scared the bejeebees out of me.
·         The Doctor messing with Apollo 11
·         The Doctor biting his handcuffs
·         Seeing the hologram of the Silent in the TARDIS was like WHAT THE HELL!?
·         The Doctor clicking his fingers to salute the President
·         Rory breaking the model and trying to stick it back on. Then saluting the two men.
·         The Doctor’s reaction to the kiss – a scratch of the face
·         The Doctor and River flirting about how many Silents she would kill
·         The Doctor trying to help with his screwdriver and getting told to “shut up and drive” by River
·         The use of the President whenever he’s in trouble
·         Rory listening to Amy and promising to get to her, “She can always hear me ... She always knows I’m coming for her”



Enter the President of the United States

Rory's coming for you Amy. No. Rory's bringing the Doctor for you Amy.

"America salutes you!"

·         CGI of River diving into the TARDIS pool
·         Beardy Doctor
·         The orphanage guy
·         How the Silence sleep like the Krillitanes
·         How the Silence sound like Darth Vader
·         You can tell the Silence have rubber hands

Strange things:
·         Writing on the orphanage walls, obviously by the girl
·         The hologram of the woman in the door of the girls bedroom – she looks familiar
·         The Doctor can’t taste anything on the envelope because it’s his saliva. But the Doctor says “Interesting” after kissing River, so perhaps he’s mad the connection to who licked the envelopes
·         Amy’s uncertain pregnancy
·         The picture of Amy with the baby
·         Is the little girl River? She is able to regenerate and it seems he River’s first appearance to the Doctor will be the Doctor’s last time, just like with River Song in the library.
·         Why was the Spaceman trying to eat the little girl?
·         Is the little girl Jenny?
·         How did River see the Silent behind her when shooting it in front of Rory?


Three words: What. The. Hell.

How did she know it was there?

Who is she?

Until next time, Adios Amigos!

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